National Network of Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils

History of the NNCJCC
The National Network of Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils (NNCJCC) was established by the Justice Management Institute with support from the Bureau of Justice Assistance in 2010. The NNCJCC is an association of local criminal justice coordinating councils (CJCCs) and the membership is composed of leadership and staff from CJCCs across the country. Currently, the NNCJCC has 40 jurisdictions as members.
The NNCJCC empowers CJCCs to drive positive change through knowledge sharing, advocacy, and innovation. It advocates for CJCC directors leading systemic initiatives and serves as a resource for jurisdictions looking to establish or sustain an effective CJCC.
Although the NNCJCC is a selective membership, it regularly considers applications from new jurisdictions. The NNCJCC will provide assistance to any jurisdiction with their CJCC.
Criminal justice coordinating councils (CJCCs) that enhance justice and safety in every community.
To empower CJCCs to drive positive change through knowledge sharing, advocacy, and innovation.
Current NNCJCC Members
- Adams and Broomfield Counties, Colorado
- Arapahoe County, Colorado
- Bernalillo County, New Mexico
- Buncombe County, North Carolina
- Charles County, Maryland
- Charleston County, South Carolina
- Chippewa County, Wisconsin
- Clark County, Nevada
- Coconino County, Arizona
- Colonial Community (regional/James City), Virginia
- Dallas County, Texas
- Dane County, Wisconsin
- District of Columbia
- Douglas County, Kansas
- Dutchess County, New York
- East Baton Rouge, Louisiana
- Eau Claire County, Wisconsin
- Franklin County, Ohio
- Harris County, Texas
- Hennepin County, Minnesota
- Jefferson Area (regional/Charlottesville), Virginia
- Johnson County, Kansas
- Lake County, Illinois
- Lewis & Clark County, Montana
- Lincoln/Lancaster County, Nebraska
- Los Angeles, California
- Louisville, Kentucky
- Lucas County, Ohio
- Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
- Milwaukee County, Wisconsin
- Multnomah County, Oregon
- New Orleans, Louisiana
- Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
- Palm Beach County, Florida
- Pinellas County, Florida
- Sacramento County, California
- Salt Lake County, Utah
- St. Louis County, Missouri
- Waukesha County, Wisconsin
- Winona County, Minnesota