National Standards for Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils and Essential Elements Document


JMI teamed up with the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) to produce two ground-breaking publications that provide valuable support to jurisdictions in establishing Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils (CJCCs). The first publication, titled “National Standards for Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils,” offers a comprehensive framework to help jurisdictions create or enhance their coordinating councils. Its companion publication, “CJCC Essential Elements,” outlines the key features that define high-performing CJCCs.

These publications were developed to help jurisdictions optimize the structure and operation of their coordinating councils, enabling local CJCCs to effectively address challenges in the criminal justice system and bring about meaningful change. The CJCC Essential Elements publication includes two practical tools: the CJCC Elements Checklist and the CJCC Essential Elements Assessment Tool. The checklist highlights critical components that jurisdictions should consider when setting up a CJCC, while the assessment tool enables them to evaluate the extent to which their councils conform to national standards.

By utilizing these resources, jurisdictions can create a well-structured and high-performing CJCC that is better equipped to address the challenges in the criminal justice system. This will help drive positive change and bring about better outcomes for all stakeholders involved.

For more information about CJCCs or system coordination in your jurisdiction, contact